Analisis Kinerja Dosen berdasar Penilaian Mahasiswa dalam Perspektif Gender
(Lecturer Performance Analysis based on Student Assessment from a Gender Perspective)
Many studies have been conducted regarding the quality of education. Assessment of the quality of education from the educator's side is generally carried out using a questionnaire given to students or Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET). It can also be called Lecturer Evaluation by Students (EDOM) at the end of the lecture before the final semester exam. In various countries, EDOM is used not only to assess lecturers' quality but also for promotions. Although the reliability of EDOM as an important factor in assessing lecturer performance is still widely debated, the facts prove that EDOM is still used. Furthermore, lecturer performance can also be assessed based on the lecturer's ability to conduct research and the existence of gender bias at EDOM. It is important to link the assessment of lecturers from the three fields of education and teaching, research, and community service, considering that DIKTI itself always selects outstanding lecturers who are also assessed in these three fields every year. Therefore, this research aims to provide empirical evidence on the reliability of lecturer evaluations by students to assess lecturer performance and its relationship to the field of research and community service. Research will be conducted on all lecturers and teaching assistants, with students as respondents who fill out the assessment. Hypothesis testing was carried out using n-way ANOVA, and the data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive methods. The research results using the Anova test prove that student evaluations of lecturers cannot be differentiated based on student gender, lecturer gender, lecturer's ability to conduct research, published scientific papers, and the number of lecturers who provide community service. Based on quantitative descriptive analysis, outstanding lecturers can be proposed for the academic year.
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