The Effect of Total Quality Management on Managerial Performance
(Study at PT Kereta Api Indonesia – Persero DAOP VIII Surabaya)
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the relationship between the Total Quality Management on managerial performance. The population of this study was all managers of PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) DAOP VIII Surabaya, amounting to 352 people. The sampling technique was carried out with a non-probability sampling approach with a purposive sampling method. The criteria used are all the Surabaya branch manager of PT. KAI Persero DAOP VIII Surabaya, amounting to 38 people. This study aims to examine the managerial performance with two elements of TQM, namely training and education, and organizational commitment. The analysis model used to test the hypothesis proposed is multiple linear regression and to determine its effect, the F test and T-test are used. Based on the research results, the results indicate that training and education positively affect Managerial Performance. Also, organizational commitment has the same effect on managerial performance. Therefore, it is suggested that the company must maintain its training and further education to enhance performance. Future research may use organizational commitment as moderation on the relationship between training education and performance.
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