The Importance of Trust and Information Technology on Individual Performance
Technology has made Motor Vehicle Tax services more efficient and effective. However, one of the weaknesses is that the communication network is still limited or often disrupted. This study aims to prove the influence of trust and information system technology on individual performance at the Samsat office in East Java Province. This study uses primary data sourced from the answers of the Samsat Joint Office employees who are directly related to the Motor Vehicle Tax payment information system, which is as many as ninety-four people. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis with independent variables of trust and information system technology, while individual performance is the dependent variable. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, it can be concluded that trust and information system technology influence individual performance. These results prove that the individual performance of employees in the Samsat office increases if they already trust and understand the technology used. The implication is that the Samsat office must always strive for technology and motor vehicle tax application features that can satisfy its users
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