The Influence of Blueprints on Internal Audit Monitoring System (IAMS) Application Development

  • Sal-Sabilla Narita Kusnadi Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
  • Nanda Wahyu Indah Kirana Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
Keywords: Accounting Information System, Audit Application, Blueprint



The Digitalization era shows increasing application developments, both at the individual, group, and corporate levels. One of the corporations or companies involved in this Digitalization development is PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas. The need for auditing activities arises to ensure that the company's business processes comply with regulations and policies. To fulfill the audit working papers, the Internal Audit Division of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas has developed IAMS (Internal Audit Monitoring System), a web-based application that plays a role in digitizing the auditing process. However, the absence of a blueprint or master plan for this application has become a constraint in its development, as there are still features that are not fully optimized when used. This research is conducted to identify the deficiencies in the application caused by the absence of a blueprint and to emphasize the importance of creating a blueprint in the application development process. The research adopts a descriptive qualitative approach and tends to use analysis. The primary data for this research were obtained through interviews and literature studies, and bibliographic references were used to compile the literature. The research findings conclude that the IAMS (Internal Audit Monitoring System) application must still be fully optimized to assist the company's internal auditing activities. One of the reasons for its suboptimal performance is the lack of a blueprint, which would facilitate the application's development and serve as a direction and master plan for designing an application.


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How to Cite
Sal-Sabilla Narita Kusnadi, & Nanda Wahyu Indah Kirana. (2023). The Influence of Blueprints on Internal Audit Monitoring System (IAMS) Application Development. Sustainable Business Accounting and Management Review, 5(3), 1-10.