Lesson from History: Navigating Turbulent Waters – The IMF's Role in Global Economic Stabilization
Purpose: In the wake of the 2008-2009 international financial crisis, understanding the mechanisms and institutions that contributed to global economic recovery becomes imperative. This study aims to examine the crucial role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in restoring global economic stability and recovery during this period.
Method: This study employed a qualitative method. Data was collected through literature review and information related to the international global crisis in 2008-2009. Data was search only from Google Scholar, with no particular or specific indexed journal.
Findings: The study reveals that the IMF significantly influenced the crisis management by increasing global liquidity, providing loans to member countries facing financial difficulties, and overseeing the macroeconomic policies of member countries.
Implication: The IMF's interventions were pivotal in stabilizing and recovering the global economy during the crisis, demonstrating the importance of international financial cooperation and support in times of economic distress. The study demonstrates that the IMF's role extends beyond financial assistance; it encompasses fostering international cooperation and reinforcing global economic governance, which are essential components in navigating and overcoming financial crises.
Originality: This study highlights the specific mechanisms and strategies employed by the IMF during the 2008-2009 financial crisis, offering a detailed analysis of its impact on global economic stability and recovery
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