Marketing Audit: Does It Affect Marketing Planning and Marketing Effectiveness in the Sales Function?
This study aimed to prove the effect of marketing audits on marketing planning and the influence between marketing audits and the marketing effectiveness of the sales function at PT. MSJ Sidoarjo - Indonesia. This study uses primary data from the SPI manager, marketing manager, accounting manager, audit team, and SPI amperage, totaling 26 people, and the sampling amperage used is a census. The analysis technique used is the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). This study consists of the dependent variable, namely marketing planning, and marketing effectiveness of the sales function, as well as a group (marketing audit) of more than two, namely a "good" marketing audit group, a "good" marketing audit group. And the "bad" marketing audit group. Based on the analysis of variance (ANOVA), it is concluded that marketing audits affect marketing planning. Conversely, marketing audits have no effect on marketing effectiveness in the sales function.
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