The Interplay of Job Satisfaction, Compensation, Organizational Commitment, and Prophetic Leadership in Reducing Turnover Intention
This research aims to measure the financial performance of PT Siloam International Hospitals In the current era of globalization, many employees are competing fiercely for seats in existing large companies. However, not a few are also willing to leave and move from one company to another for various reasons. The purpose of this study is to examine the negative influence of job satisfaction, compensation, organizational commitment, and prophetic leadership style on turnover intention. The population of this study consists of the employees of PT. Pysil Lasibe Kasanea. The sample was determined using the convenience sampling method, where the sample selection is based on the willingness of volunteers from the population to become respondents. A quantitative method was employed in this study, with data collected through questionnaires. The data analysis technique used Partial Least Squares (PLS) with the WarpPLS 7.0 program.The results of this study indicate that job satisfaction, compensation, organizational commitment, and prophetic leadership style have a significant negative effect on turnover intention. These findings suggest that enhancing job satisfaction, compensation, organizational commitment, and prophetic leadership style can effectively reduce turnover intention, thereby improving employee retention and overall organizational performance.
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