Exploring Influential Factors in East Java's Shrimp Export Market to Japan

  • Nanda Sahabuddin Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Keywords: average export price, East Java shrimp exports to Japan, inflation, Rupiah exchange rate against US$


Purpose: Increasing exports is a key government strategy not only for earning foreign exchange but also for boosting economic productivity and job opportunities in Indonesia, particularly in East Java. This research aims to determine the effect of average export prices, the rupiah exchange rate against the US$, and inflation on East Java Shrimp Exports to Japan.

Method: This study is quantitative research. The study employs a time series sampling technique, utilizing secondary financial data collected from 15 samples. The data is then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques.

Findings: The findings reveal that while the average export price and inflation variables have no significant effect on East Java Shrimp Exports to Japan, the rupiah exchange rate against the US$ significantly impacts these exports.

Implication: The results emphasize the importance of monitoring and managing exchange rate fluctuations to enhance the export performance of East Java's shrimp to Japan. This suggests that policy interventions focusing on stabilizing the exchange rate could be crucial for maintaining and increasing export levels.

Originality: This study uniquely contributes to understanding the specific factors influencing East Java Shrimp Exports to Japan by analyzing the distinct roles of export prices, exchange rates, and inflation. It offers valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to develop targeted strategies for boosting export performance in the region.



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How to Cite
Sahabuddin, N. (2025). Exploring Influential Factors in East Java’s Shrimp Export Market to Japan . Public Management and Accounting Review, 6(1), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.61656/pmar.v6i1.266