Perum Damri Managerial Performance: The Role of Customer Focus and Continuous Improvement
Perum Damri Surabaya is a government-owned company operating in the transportation sector that provides public services. There are five characteristics as main principles that must be fulfilled in the criteria for good public governance as interrelated principles, namely accountability, openness and transparency, compliance with legal regulations, fairness or equality, and commitment. Based on this background, this research aims to prove that customer focus and continuous improvement influence managerial performance at Perum Damri Surabaya. The data population for this research is unit heads, section heads, and sub-section heads in Perum Damri Surabaya, totaling 14 people using a purposive sampling method. The variables used are customer focus and continuous improvement as independent variables, while managerial performance is the dependent variable. Based on multiple linear regression analysis, it is concluded that the customer focus variable has no effect on managerial performance, so the 1st hypothesis of this research, namely the assumption that customer focus affects managerial performance, has not been tested. The continuous improvement variable affects managerial performance, so the second hypothesis of this research is that it is suspected that continuous improvement affects managerial performance.
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