The Leader of the East Java Province Community Empowerment Agency Performance: Participatory Budgeting, Leadership Style, and Work Motivation Factors
The budget is a key element in planning and controlling. This is because the budget is a form of leadership plan that is outlined in the composition of estimated costs needed to make the plan that has been made a success. Apart from that, the budget is also a program arrangement to achieve the organization's long-term plans. Following the background and problems above, this research aims to find empirical evidence that the implementation of participatory budgeting, leadership style, and motivation influence leadership performance to achieve organizational goals. This research was conducted at one of the government agencies in Surabaya, namely the East Java Province Community Empowerment Agency (BAPEMAS), with a sample of 16 people. The sampling technique uses total sampling or census. The analysis used multiple linear regression to answer the problem formulation, research objectives, and hypotheses. The results of this research conclude that the variables participative budgeting and leadership style have a positive relationship pattern with leaders' performance. In contrast, work motivation has a negative relationship pattern with leader performance. However, all three are proven to have a viable model for influencing leadership performance. This is proven by the results of the F-test and the coefficient of determination (R2), namely the magnitude of the influence of participatory budgeting, leadership style, and work motivation on leadership performance, which is 51.9%. In comparison, the remaining 48.1% is influenced by other factors not discussed in this research. Based on the results of the F-test and the value of the coefficient of determination mentioned above, it can be concluded that the hypothesis, which states: "It is suspected that participatory budgeting, leadership style, and work motivation influence leadership performance," has been tested as true.
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